the capitol building must be made of brick full of sentimentality or something must be in the water provided.
Maybe flashbacks hit me like a line drive to the face, or maybe i hate how i refused to kiss anybody at a high school dance.
its 2:00 in the morning and i can’t sleep because prom hangover had me sleeping in till 3pm.
now i’m awake wondering if i slept for 3 years.
because yesterday night i went home at 1, and high school had just went to bed.
sophomore year i blinked and woke up in 11th grade chemistry.
junior year i blinked and woke up at senior prom.
senior prom i blinked and woke up in black.
its 2:10 and i’m debating if the beds at UVU are going to be more comfortable than the one at my house.
am i really going to move in 2 months? am i really going to leave for 18 months?
27 months almost complete, and the only thing holding me down is attendance.
can we talk about attendance?
its 2:15 and i thought i was so happy to get out of this place,
until the music stopped at 11 last night.
my memory is up and running and i can’t help but reminisce. i don’t know if i went to enough lone peak basketball games.
why didn’t i ever support the lacrosse team? did i tell enough people i was grateful for them? what about the janitors? my teachers..? did i wake up too late?
i have a bad habit of hitting snooze when i’m half asleep. and now i’m worried i must’ve been half asleep this whole time. My alarm clock finally went off last night, and i realized i was late.
reality hit me like 5-o-clock rush hour. and i’m stuck between wanting to leave and wanting to’s too late to enjoy the ride because everybody around me is preparing to leave as soon as they can.
is anyone else scared to leave high school behind?
maybe i’m the only one who notices the bricks made of sentimentality. maybe i’m just over thinking things.
its 2:27 and i don’t want to go to bed because i’m worried.
if i hit snooze one more time,