Saturday, February 7, 2015

i am what i'm not


i know i'm human because i cry

 and those tears that fall


they fall fast

they fall hard

and I've always been afraid of falling

but thats how i know that i am alive

because i can fall

i am tangible

skin and bones and eyes and all

not perfect

but i am

so i'll continue to think about how I drive too fast and work too slow

i'll probably even continue to cause my own sleep deprivation over worry

cause i don't just worry but i worry too much

and when i worry i'm thinking about you and that group project i was never apart of

and how i hate being the one to text first but I hate the thought of not talking

and im thinking about how I care what other people are thinking about

 how i worry that foreign things were what he was thinking about

and how sometimes i can't even explain what i'm freaking thinking about.

so who am i to judge?


there are over a billion, trillion words and i can't get any of them onto paper?

i understood the math homework last night,

but i don't get myself 

i get that alone is one summary of human existence 

and that time seems to be a funny little thing

yet it doesn't like to make jokes three-fifths of the time 

i get that "goodbye" is sometimes a life sentence, 

and that no matter how many times you tell someone you love them, you can't prove a thing

 i get that i only get all those things because i am.

 even when i'm not there

when i'm just existing

when i sit through this class called "life" and don't hear a word

     seems to calculate itself...

so if you asked me


i'm human

but to tell you the truth, 

i'd make one hell of a robot.


  1. Woah. I'm obsessed with this. All of it. This seriously might be my new favorite post.

  2. "i understood the math homework last night,
    but i don't get myself "

    I feel that.
    This is so real

    Thank you

    1. That was the part that got me too.

  3. "i'll probably even continue to cause my own sleep deprivation over worry

    cause i don't just worry but i worry too much"

    Those lines summarize my entire high school career.

  4. "i'll probably even continue to cause my own sleep deprivation over worry

    cause i don't just worry but i worry too much"

    Those lines summarize my entire high school career.
