Sunday, February 15, 2015

to the right, but left

i can't figure out why the dad who worked so hard lost his job

or why the mom of six was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer

i can't figure out why the brother who was driving to pick up his little sister from dance,

never returned home that night

i can't figure out why the sun sets earlier in the UK

or why sixteen year old girls are having babies because they can't live without the financial aid

i can't figure out why we complain about what we are having for dinner

when in another country, they're going to bed without it

i can't figure out why the picture that popped up

ruined that little boy's life

or why the father of 4 left his wife for some other lady

maybe he was that little boy

i can't figure out why my friend thought suicide was the answer

when he questioned "do they care?"

or why we can't read between the lines of silent suffering

its always there

i can't figure out why the girl with the distorted body image

ever thought that her weight was more important than her happiness

or why this place i live in is called happy valley

cause over half the people here seem anything but

i can't figure out why bad things happen to good people

i thought curveballs only happened in baseball


  1. this whole thing was so accurate and i loved it

    and the part about happy valley, yeah.

  2. "or why this place i live in is called happy valley

    cause over half the people here seem anything but"

    this is spot on.
    loved the whole post.

  3. This took me on a journey.

    And holy crap, that last line nearly killed me.

  4. I wonder the same way you do.

    This is good. Really good.

  5. i freaking love the title. titles are life. this was so good. so good. and so sad. but so good.


  7. hey this is like, really good. like really really good.
